Andrew Taylor Still was born on 6 August 1828 Wooden Hut in Lee County, Virginia.
Studying medicine los libros de su padre y Trabajo posteriormente in Estes medical consultation.
Médico de campaña, debiendo times that run large distancias to be close to its patients, utilizaba métodos the usual medicine este tiempo: sangrías, windy, purges, etc.
An epidemic of cerebro-spinal meningitis in three curd your children. There was perdido por entonces ya at your first wife, Mary Vaughan, Because the childbirth complications. After a month of the epidemic, BORN su hija de su segunda wife Mary Elvira Turner, of murine pneumonia.
His Incapacity to save his family, to their Añadido Experiences cruentas as military doctor during the Civil War, takes you to the Rejection May it be enseñaba medicine at the time. Esto le driven research nuevos y mejores métodos healing.
Still profundamente studied the anatomy of the y estuvo convencido Most of the Disease could be the next aliviadas or curadas sin drogas. The clave y encontrar was correct anatomical deviations that interferían con fuerza y los del flujo sanguine "nervous" in cuerpo humano.
He opened a clinic in March 1875 in Kirksville (Missouri).
Founded the School of American Osteopathy (ASO) in Kirksville in 1892 in a small house of two rooms.
Still active in the ASO SIGUIER su muerte practically until the age of 89 years, however, Because stroke in 1914, he vio considerablemente limited.
The Death of the "Estimated viejo doctor" 12 de diciembre de 1917 fue por los estudiantes lamented the ASO as well por miembros more than 3000 of the profession who had created during more than 50 years.