Among the main indications of this type of therapeutic approach are those musculo-skeletal dysfunctions that occur with pain at the level of the spine and extremities and that are caused by trauma, accidents, repetitive movements, bad postures, Visceral function, stress, etc.
It can also be effective in the treatment of:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Bruxism and temporo-mandibular occlusion problems
- Otitis
And in disorders:
- Circulatory
- Digestive
- Endocrine
- Traumatic
- Gynecological
- Pediatric functional type.
Although osteopathy is perhaps best known for the treatment of back pain (low back pain, neck pain, back pain, etc.), it can also be effective as a treatment for other types of symptoms such as:
- Musculoskeletal disorders: muscular contractures, tendonitis, etc.
- Respiratory disorders: recurrent colds, sinusitis, non-productive cough, respiratory difficulties, etc.
- Digestive disorders: irritable bowel, constipation, excess heartburn, abdominal cramps, etc.
- Genito-urinary disorders: incontinence, menstrual pains, dyspareunia, etc.
- Problems and follow-up of the pregnancy: back pain or sciatica, inguinal pain, swollen legs, etc.
- Pediatric disorders: congenital torticollis, sequelae derived from the application of orthodontics,
- Sleep disorders, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, growth disturbances, etc.
- Prevention of injuries and dysfunctions in the body, which may cause future discomfort.
- Improvement of the vital state.
- And others such as stress, tension headaches and generalized fatigue.