Osteopathy is the alternative traditional medicine that is responsible for treating mobility dysfunctions of the tissues of the human body, which cause disorders and disturb the state of health of the body.
What characterizes the human organism is movement and what characterizes the state of health is the balance in these movements.
Osteopathic medicine aims to restore disturbed balances at all functional levels of the human body. Restore the necessary mobility in the life of man in good health.
It is therefore situated in the context of prevention and health preservation. Based on the anatomy and physiology of the body, osteopathy is both an art, a science and a technique. It is a purely manual medicine, and a philosophy due to the importance of the individual's conscience of his body, different in some points from allopathic medicine, but obviously complementary and interactive with the patient who wants to heal.
Ostopathic medicine has proven its efficacy extensively in many clinical studies.